Entry Conditions
- Amateurs only accepted (i.e. any person, the major portion of whose income is NOT derived from talents in the particular category entered).
- Persons under 18 years of age must state age and date of birth. Proof of age, satisfactory to committee, must be produced if necessary.
- Proof of age, satisfactory to committee, must be produced if necessary.
- Age is taken as at June 1.
- To enter “x years and over” sections competitors must have attained that age by June 1.
- Entries close on June 1, 2022. A fee will be charged for late entries.
- No refunds will be made on entries except when section is cancelled.
- Convenors will not answer enquiries regarding performance times.
- RESTRICTED. This means any competitor who has never won a 1st prize in any eisteddfod, dance festival or other competition anywhere at that age in the same category (e.g. dance, pianoforte, instrumental, vocal or speech) before the closing date of June 1.
- SPECIAL RESTRICTED. This means any competitor who has never won a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize at any eisteddfod, dance festival, or other competition anywhere in the same category (e.g. dance, pianoforte, instrumental, vocal or speech), at any age before the closing date of June 1. Clarification may be required.
- A competitor may not perform the same item in more than one section.
- Competitors may not appear in sections other than those entered, and no person may substitute for the competitor originally named on the entry form.
- In duet/trio sections, names of all entrants must appear on the entry form.
- In solo/duo/trio sections of all categories competitors may not compete more than once in the same section.
- In dance troupes, choirs and ensembles a competitor may appear twice in the same section.
- If less than five competitors, a section may be cancelled, combined and/or prizes reduced accordingly.
- Competitors must appear at scheduled times.
- Competitors who request to appear prior to the programmed time will receive adjudication only and will not be eligible for prizes.
- The Committee may amend program at any time, divide, cancel or combine sections or make alterations as is necessary.
- The Committee reserves the right to withhold any award if, in the opinion of the adjudicator, a satisfactory standard of merit is not attained.
- The adjudicator must be provided with a clear copy of the item.
- Handwritten manuscript is not acceptable except in “Own Composition” sections.
- In Vocal items lyrics and sheet music must be provided. In Vocal and School Choral sections USB’s are to be handed to the music table as the contestant approaches the stage area to commence their time.
- For music and spoken word sections competitors must hand original or copy of piece or pieces to Stage Manager’s Desk before the commencement of the section. Competitors are responsible for collecting original copies at the conclusion of the section. Photocopies are not returned and will be destroyed according to copyright laws.
- With exception of committee members, no person may approach or communicate with the adjudicator.
- Any competitor who has been taught, coached or advised by an adjudicator in categories entered during six months prior to June 1
will be ineligible to compete.
- The adjudicator’s decision is absolutely final.
- All protests must be made in writing, within half an hour of the final of a section, accompanied by a fee of $20.00. If a protest is deemed frivolous the deposit is forfeited.
- An official CD player will be provided, and operated by committee members or delegated assistants.
- USB’s should be clearly marked with contestant’s/owner’s name.
- Dance: USBs only are to be handed to music table before commencement of the section. One item per USB.
- Vocal and School Choral sections: USB’s are to be handed to the music table as the contestant approaches the stage area to commence their item.
- Accompanists: Competitors requiring piano or other accompaniment are responsible for providing their own accompanist.
- Entrants are advised to have backup USB’s available at the event and ensure that USB’s are tested prior to the Eisteddfod.
- No other media device will be accepted.
- Parents and teachers will not be allowed on stage during a performance except when acting in the capacity of accompanist.
- Prompting will be given by the adjudicator only. Assistance from others may result in disqualification.
- Where available, competitors must appear in at least two other sections in the same (solo) category to qualify for entry in championship sections.
- In Aria, competitors must appear in at least two other solo vocal sections. Dress formal or semi-formal.
- Repeats in vocal and instrumental sections are not permitted except in any piece less than 60 seconds.
- Time limits in all sections will be adhered to otherwise a penalty at the adjudicator’s discretion may apply. Competitors will not be penalised if they perform for less than the maximum time.
- Committee accepts no responsibility for safety of competitors, or any injury sustained by competitors or visitors during the Eisteddfod.
- Committee accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to music, costumes, instruments or equipment.
- Competitors and visitors must comply with directions and/or procedures issued by the committee of the HCES and the operators of the Windsor Function Centre.
- Intimidation: Any person or persons found to be intimidating any competitor, committee member or volunteer will be escorted from the Windsor Function Centre and may be barred from further attendance at the Hawkesbury City Eisteddfod.
- Loud yelling, whistling and barracking from the audience is regarded as intimidating. It will not be tolerated and may result in the competitor’s disqualification.
- Notification of nonattendance of groups is appreciated.
- Email: [email protected]
- The use of VIDEO /RECORDING MACHINES/ FLASHLIGHT/ MOBILE PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY or any form of media is not permitted.
- NB Should this rule be ignored adjudication will cease temporarily (Refer to Copyright rules)